Monday, May 12, 2014

The ROCKIN' Rock Cycle

Happy Monday, sixth grade scientists! This week will be focusing on rocks, the rock cycle, and geological time in order to prepare for next week's fossil dig. After DNews, you and an you're team members will investigate the three types of rocks (Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary), and the cycle they go through on and within the earth.

You will find the instructions for today's activity below. Good luck!

Mrs. Loehe

P.S. Did anyone watch Cosmos last night? Yet again, it all looks very familiar. Hmmmm... What class have you heard that information in before? ;)

DNews (It's from last year, but, meh, it's about volcanoes, lightning, and stuff...)



Step Two: Open up the books at your table to page 42. You will have to share. Sorry.

Step Three: Read pages 42-45. Look for the terms Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary. Write their definitions and some example of each rock in your notebook. YOU ONLY NEED THE DEFINITIONS FOR THE THREE TYPES OF ROCK, YOU DO NOT NEED THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE EXAMPLES. ONLY LIST THEM!

Step Four: Use an iPad or another device to find a diagram of the Rock Cycle. Draw, label, AND color your own awesome diagram in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper. Below is an example done on Google Draw by one of last year's sixth graders. If you have your own device, feel free to Google Draw your diagram.

Step Five: Show Mrs. Loehe your handiwork by TOMORROW! (Yes, if you don't get it done, it IS homework.) If you finish in class you may visit this INTERACTIVE ROCK CYCLE website, play Landform Detective, use the virtual plate tectonics lab, or quietly work on other homework.

Step Six: SUCCESS!