Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Website Rubric

Web Site Design : Earth Science
Teacher Name: Ms. Schmitz
Student Name:     ________________________________________
Work EthicStudent always uses classroom project time well. Conversations are primarily focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that typically does not disrupt others.Student usually uses classroom project time well. Most conversations are focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that typically does not disrupt others.Student usually uses classroom project time well, but occasionally distracts others from their work.Student does not use classroom project time well OR typically is disruptive to the work of others.
ContentThe site has a well-stated clear purpose and theme that is carried out throughout the site. It goes above and beyond expectations (1 background page, 5 additional pages).The site has a clearly stated purpose, theme and meets the minimum requirements (1 background page, 5 additional pages). However, may have one or two elements that do not seem to be related to it.The purpose and theme of the site is somewhat muddy or vague. An information page or two is missing.The site lacks a purpose and theme. Multiple informational pages are missing.
Content AccuracyAll information provided by the student on the Web site is accurate and all the requirements of the assignment have been met. This means that there is one DETAILED background page about your Earth Science topic and five additional, detailed, informational pages about your topic.All requirements of the assignment have been met. However, some of the information included on the Earth Science topic is vague and inaccurate.All pages include information about the chosen Earth Science topic; however, there are inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or vague details throughout the pages.There are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students and many of the requirements were not met to give other students a better understanding of your Earth Science Topic.
Learning of MaterialThe student has an exceptional understanding of the material included in the site and where to find additional information. Can easily answer questions about the Earth Science content and procedures used to make the web site.The student has a good understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer questions about the Earth Science content and procedures used to make the web site.The student has a fair understanding of the material included in the site. Can easily answer most questions about the Earth Science content and procedures used to make the web site.Student did not appear to learn much from this project. Cannot answer most questions about the Earth Science content and the procedures used to make the web site.
InterestThe author has made an exceptional attempt to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.The author has tried to make the content of this Web site interesting to the people for whom it is intended.The author has put lots of information in the Web site but there is little evidence that the person tried to present the information in an interesting way.The author has provided only the minimum amount of information and has not transformed the information to make it more interesting to the audience (e.g., has only provided a list of links to the content of others).
NavigationLinks for navigation are clearly labeled, consistently placed, allow the reader to easily move from a page to related pages (forward and back), and take the reader where s/he expects to go. A user does not become lost.Links for navigation are clearly labeled, allow the reader to easily move from a page to related pages (forward and back), and internal links take the reader where s/he expects to go. A user rarely becomes lost.Links for navigation take the reader where s/he expects to go, but some needed links seem to be missing. A user sometimes gets lost.Some links do not take the reader to the sites described. A user typically feels lost.
GraphicsGraphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are thoughtfully cropped, are of high quality and enhance reader interest or understanding.Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, are of good quality and enhance reader interest or understanding.Graphics are related to the theme/purpose of the site, and are of good quality.Graphics seem randomly chosen, are of low quality, OR distract the reader.
CopyrightFair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for all borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for almost all borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.Fair use guidelines are followed with clear, easy-to-locate and accurate citations for most borrowed material. No material is included from Web sites that state that permission is required unless permission has been obtained.Borrowed materials are not properly documented OR material was borrowed without permission from a site that requires permission
PresentationPresentation is outstanding and highly engaging. It meets the 5-8 minute time limit.Presentation of the site is done nicely and meets time requirements; however, it lacks some interest and engagement. OR It does not meet time requirements, despite being engaging and interesting.Presentation has some interest and preparation, and lacks in meeting the time requirements.Presentation is too brief and does not introduce any new information to the audience.