Thursday, September 11, 2014

Oreo Lab Today!


Today we begin our Oreo Lab, in which we put our newly learned science terms to use; investigate proper collection of data; look at variables; and discuss proper lab writing. Since this is our first official lab of the year, please remember the rules of the lab as discussed in class. Make sure to be safe and respectful of me, each other, the classroom, and the materials you are using. Wear your goggles, and stay with your team! Finally, EVERYONE MUST HELP CLEAN UP THEIR SPACE ONCE THE LAB IS COMPLETED!

The jobs that we have during lab time (Some of you may have to double up.) are summarized below. You each are responsible for filling out your own lab packet and must label all data collected. Remember you can find a copy of the lab on Google Classroom to print off if you lose your lab between today and tomorrow. 

Happy dunking!

Mrs. Loehe

Lab Roles 

  • The "reporter" is in charge of reporting what the group has done. The "reporter" needs to ask the following questions: 
    • "Did everyone have a chance to speak?"
    • "Did we listen to everyone?" 
    • "Did I report what the group wanted me to say (or just what I wanted to say)?”
  • The "getter" is in charge of picking up materials and making sure that the group works safely. The "getter" needs to ask the following questions: 
    • "Did everyone follow the safety rules?”
    • "Did everyone share?"
  • The "starter" is in charge of handing out materials and helping all members of the group. The "starter" needs to ask the following questions:
    • "Did everyone do the task?”
    • "Did everyone get the help they needed?”
  • The "recorder" is in charge of writing down or recording what the group discovers. The "recorder" needs to ask the following questions:
    • "Did everyone give their ideas?" 
    • "Did I write down everyone's ideas?"