Thursday, October 2, 2014

Test Update

Dear Parents and Students,

Since I rewrote the assessment this year to work more to critical thinking and extrapolation skills, it is taking much longer than I had anticipated to grade each test. I want to ensure that I give everyone proper feedback on both the short answer questions, and the rubric for the engineering problem, so when corrections are made, there is a better understanding of what information is being sought. I also still have a number of students that need to come in to finish their tests, and I would hope that those students remember to come in by Friday, October 3rd!

For these reasons, I will not be able to return the test until next week. I will also not be posting the test grades on the portal until next week because I do not want to cause any undue stress or anxiety until students know why they have received the grade they have through the feedback I am giving! Remember, EVERYONE HAS THE OPPORTUNITY TO COME IN FOR HELP AND TO DO RETAKES OR CORRECTIONS FOR FULL CREDIT WITHIN A WEEK OF RECEIVING THE GRADED TEST!

Thanks for your patience!

Mrs. Loehe

P.S. Remember, to always check Google Classroom for the test the week BEFORE it is given so you can properly prepare and ask questions as needed!