Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Solar Wind Reading Glossary

Just in case you missed something in class, here is the chart. Please make sure these are all in your notebook by Friday! -Mrs. Loehe


"Real Definition"

Sunspot  A cooler, dark spot on the sun that shows a concentration of magnetic forces.
Sunspot Cycle The 11 year (on average) cycle of sunspot increases and decreases.
Solar Flares A powerful release of energy from the sun's surface (like 1000 hydrogen bombs) where magnetic fields were tangled.
CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) The sudden explosion of matter from the surface of the sun.
Corona The outer layer of the sun that extends into interplanetary space (seen during eclipses).
Magnetosphere The protective, magnetic region around the Earth that controls charged particles.
Bow Shock The protective magnetic boundary on the Sun-side of the Earth.
Magnetotail The magnetic boundary stretching behind the Earth (like a tail).
Aurora Borealis & Aurora Australis The Northern and Southern Lights, which are curtains of light on the magnetic poles caused by charged electrons interacting with the atmosphere.
Auroral Oval A glowing donut shape over the magnetic poles
Magnetic Sub-Storms Storms that occur when the magnetic field around earth is changed because of a switch in the solar winds' polarity.
Auroral Storm Magnetic storm auroras.
Geomagnetic Storms Sever magnetic storms that are caused by major changes in direction and density of solar winds.