Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Lab Demo Rubric

Science  Lab Demonstration : Earth Science Rubric
Teacher Name: Ms. Schmitz
Student Name:     ________________________________________
Work EthicStudent always uses classroom project time well. Conversations are primarily focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that typically does not disrupt others.Student usually uses classroom project time well. Most conversations are focused on the project and things needed to get the work done and are held in a manner that typically does not disrupt others.Student usually uses classroom project time well, but occasionally distracts others from their work.Student does not use classroom project time well OR typically is disruptive to the work of others.
IdeaIndependently identified an Earth   Science topic or  question which was interesting to the student and could be investigated or modeled.Identified, with adult help, a question or topic which was interesting to the student and  could be investigated or modeled.Identified, with adult help, a question or topic which could be investigated or modeled.Identified a question or topic   that could not be tested/investigated/modeled or one that did not merit investigation.
Descripton of ProcedureProcedures for model or experiment were outlined in a step-by-step fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional explanations. No adult help was needed to accomplish this.Procedures for model or experiment were outlined in a step-by-step fashion that could be followed by anyone without additional explanations. Some adult help was needed to accomplish this.Procedures were outlined in a step-by-step fashion, but had 1 or 2 gaps that require explanation even after adult feedback had been given.Procedures that were outlined were seriously incomplete or not sequential, even after adult feedback had been given.
Data CollectionData was collected several times ahead of time or to help design model and outcomes. It was summarized, independently, in a way that clearly describes what was discovered from doing the experiment and/or research.Data was collected more than one time before demonstration. It was summarized, independently, in a way that clearly describes what was discovered from doing the experiment and/or   research.Data was collected before the demonstration from doing the experiment or research. Adult assistance was needed to clearly summarize what was discovered.Data was collected only once and adult assistance was needed to clearly summarize what was discovered.
Preparedness & Time LimitStudent is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed their lab and understand their results and topic. Lab demonstration is 5-8 minutes long.Student seems pretty prepared but might have needed more research and background knowledge in order to better present their lab demo. 4-5 minutes in length.The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that practice demonstrations and background research may have been lacking. 3-4 minutes in length.Student does not seem at all prepared to present. Demonstration is under 3 minutes in length.
SourcesSource information collected for creating the lab and background research was documented in desired format.Source information collected for all background research. Most documented in desired format.Source information collected for all background research/lab ideas, but not documented in desired format.Very little or no source information was collected.
ComprehensionStudent is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the Earth Science topic demonstration. Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the Earth Science topic demonstration.Student is able to accurately answer a few questions posed by classmates about the Earth Science topic demonstration.Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the Earth Science topic demonstration.
Lab/Demonstration Content AccuracyAll information provided by the student is accurate and all the requirements in researching and presenting the topic are met.All requirements of the assignment have been met. However, some of the information included on the Earth Science topic is vague and inaccurate.All pages include information about the chosen Earth Science topic; however, there are inaccuracies, inconsistencies, or vague details throughout the videosThere are several inaccuracies in the content provided by the students and many of the requirements were not met to give other students a better understanding of your Earth Science Topic.
Writing and Editing Lab DemonstrationStudent clearly worked independently on their lab. Can troubleshoot on their own. Did all lab writing, editing, and research on their own.Student attempted to do most of the work independently but did require help.Student needed consistent help in the indepent research, writing, and editing processes.Student did very little work on their own. Always required the help of others. Did not work independently as required.